Signup/Pay under "Signup" Tab (You may not wait to pay during/after your round)
Check in to UDisc League scoring (under Events tab of UDisc)
Play with groups of 3-5 only
There must be 3 paid league players on your card and all league players must use UDisc League scoring.
If you do not have 3 paid league players on your card, the round will not count. You will not win ace money, or payouts. (see league specific rules at league home of your favorite league. There a couple exceptions such as putting league and womens/juniors league. Talk to the TD)
If you or your cardmates are unsure if your cardmates are paid league players - just head over to league central and look for their names
All players will need a UDisc account. If you don't have one, it can be easily created from the parking lot with an Email Address
If a player does not have an email address, they may sign up under under any email (make one up) (ex.
Open UDisc and choose the "Events" tab
Choose League
Tap the "Check In" button to check in to league
Select your division
Enter your FIRST and LAST name
Once all players are checked in choose "Create Scorecard"
Score after each hole
After the round, confirm correct scores and "Finish Round". The scorecard will be automatically be submitted
League players are allowed to rebuy during flex start events
If you rebuy, your round for the day which counts will be your best score. Your other round will be "dropped" and you will not earn payouts/points for your dropped round(s)
You may not cash in multiple divisions
To rebuy, simply signup again for the same event.
Please, refresh signup page before "rebuy" or the system may mistake your payment as your previous payment.
Please check league central after rebuy to assure you are signed up correctly.
Cali rules will be in play for all Cali events:
You may throw one "Mulligan" per hole
You only get one "Mulligan" per hole, regardless of hole par.
It can be on any throw during the hole (drive, approach, or putt)
Cali Rules - You may use either the original or "Mulligan" throw
You do not need to track how many mulligans you use!
Use it or Lose it - Unused "Mulligans" do not carry over
"Provisional Mulligan" - If you are unsure after any throw if you landed in or out of bounds, AND you still have your mulligan, you may throw a "Provisional Mulligan". Rules are as follows:
Before throwing, you must declare "PROVISIONAL MULLIGAN" to your cardmates. If you do not declare before the throw "provisional mulligan", your provisional will count as a regular mulligan shot
If your initial throw is in bounds - you will play from the initial disc. You will still have a mulligan to use for that hole
If your initial throw is out of bounds - you may play either shot. You will not have a mulligan for that hole anymore.
If both throws are in bounds - you MUST PLAY from the initial throw, and you still have your mulligan. You may only use your provisional mulligan throw if the initial throw was out of bounds.
Unless otherwise noted in Caddybook:
Water, Parking Lot, Road, and Park Boundaries(over fence) is Out of Bounds
If you land Out of Bounds:
There is a 1 stroke penalty
Throw from Drop Zone(if included)
If no Drop Zone, throw from where disc was last in bounds
You may take 1 meter relief from any Out of Bounds area
Pond on Scanny Skip (if present) and pond on Blind Faith (if present) are O.B.
Ponds/water/paved road/paved lot O.B. at all courses unless noted otherwise in caddybook
Red Area of Teepad - There is no penalty for stepping on the Red area of the teepad during league play
All temp tees are 3 meters long from flags to rear of tee pad
See here for a great article on Casual O.B./Relief
To obtain relief from a casual area, the player's lie may be relocated to the nearest lie which is farther from the target and is on the line of play, at the nearest point that provides relief. PDGA guidelines here
If you lose a disc
Rethrow from previous lie
There is 1 stroke penalty for a lost disc, and
You still have to count the lost shot (i.e. if you lose your shot, the throw you lost the disc on counts, the rethrow counts, and there is also the 1 penalty stroke.
If you miss a Mando, there is a 1 stroke penalty.
If you miss a Mando, You may:
Throw from Drop Zone(if included) or
Rethrow from previous lie
If you start playing, you may only pause for lighting. If you pause your round otherwise, you will be considered DNF(Did Not Finish)
If you do not finish your round due to rain/snow, you will be considered DNF(Did Not Finish)
If you pause your round, and wish to continue, you must stay at the course until it is safe to resume
If there is lightning or other dangerous conditions - seek shelter.
Novice,Recreation, Intermediate, and Advanced Sandbaggers:
Any player who obtains as many wins as qualifing rounds over any given series - will be "bumped up" to the next division for the remainder of the season
In order for a "WIN" to count as a "WIN", you must have had at least 1 other player in your division.
For example:
If a player wins 3 times, and the series is top 3 of 8 rounds, that person will be "bumped" to the next division.
If a player wins 4 times, and the series is top 4 of 10 rounds, that person will be "bumped" to the next division.
If a player wins 5 times, and the series is top 5 of 12 rounds, that person will be "bumped" to the next division.
Any points earned in a division/series will not carry over to another division.
Any player who shoots a score good enough to "cash" (earn payouts of $7 or more) in the next division up, will earn a "strike"
For example: If a player shoots a (-4) in REC, and that score would earn payouts (at least $7) in the INT division, the player would recieve a strike
Any recreation/intermediate player who earns x strikes in one league series will be "bumped" to the next division. If you would have cashed x weeks - you are probably in the wrong division.
For example:
If a player earns a strike 3 times, and the series is top 3 of 8 rounds, that person will be "bumped" to the next division.
If a player earns a strike 4 times, and the series is top 4 of 10 rounds, that person will be "bumped" to the next division.
If a player earns a strike 5 times, and the series is top 5 of 12 rounds, that person will be "bumped" to the next division.
Any points earned in one division will not carry over to the next division. Due to this - it is recommended to play up a division if your scores could cash in the next division.
We will re-examine - and adjust this policy as needed
Points are calculated as follows:
1st Place: 100 + (0.1 points per player in the division)
Everyone else: 100 - ((place - 1) X 24 / total players)
Special thanks to Chuck Kennedy for points formula
Payouts are distributed using the phone number that you used to sign up
Paytable spreads money across the top players in the division
Payouts are rounded down to the nearest $1, and the "change" is added to 1st place
Am weekly payouts paid via Pro Shop
Pro/Gold weekly payouts paid via Venmo
Am weekly payouts calulated using the amateur paytable paying 45% of the field.
Pro weekly payouts calulated using the pro paytable paying 40% of the field.
"Am" includes all divisions not labeled as Pro or Gold
Series payouts paid via Pro Shop
Venmo payouts: If you wish to have your venmo payout as pro shop rewards points (merchandise credit) or sent to a different venmo than your own, you must indicate that THE DAY OF LEAGUE. Payouts are processed the next day, so waiting until the next day is usually TOO LATE.
Series payouts are awarded using the PDGA AM paytable paying 45% (approx) of the field
Preliminary Series Payouts are not final. This is how much you would make IF the series ended today.
Payout pool will rise, and leaders will change as the series progresses.
Series payouts for all divisions are usually Pro Shop store credit. Check league home for league specific payout breakdown.
If at the end of the series there are no players who have played enough rounds to meet the minimum rounds played for the series, the minimum rounds played will be reduced for that division until there is a player/players whom meet the minimum.
You may use your rewards balance for merchandise at Disc Golf Depotp
10 stars = $1 in credit
$1 from each entry goes into ace pool (singles and dubs)
If no ace is hit - ace pool carries over into next week
If 2+ aces are hit - ace payout will be split amongst aces
Ace pool pays out 100% if under $100
Ace pool pays out 80% if $100 or over
Ace pool winnings paid via Venmo to the phone number you use to sign up with. Players also have the option of redeeming ace payout in Pro Shop credit.
$5 optional Bonus Ace pool/round
You MUST video record ace to win the bonus payout
Choose "Bonus Ace" -> "$5 Bonus Ace" during signup. Verify on League Central page by finding your name and checking Bonus Ace column
If you ACE one of the bonus holes during the round, you win the Bonus Ace payout
If two+ Bonus Aces hit on the same league day, they will split the Bonus Ace payout
If you win the Bonus Ace, you will also win the regular Ace pool.
Current Bonus Ace holes are found under League Central
Bonus Ace pools are seperate for each league (Cali and Singles both have seperate pools)
You MUST video record ace to win the bonus payout
You MUST choose Bonus Ace during signup BEFORE your round to qualify for the bonus payout
You MUST follow ALL OTHER POSTED LEAGUE RULES to qualify for bonus payout. This includes appropriate group size (3-5 players/card ONLY)
Even if Brody, Ken Climo and Paul McBeth are standing in the parking lot and see you throw the disc into the basket, YOU MUST FILM BONUS ACE TO GET PAID
If no Bonus Ace is hit - Bonus Ace pool carries over into next week
Bonus Ace pool pays out 100% if under $100
Bonus Ace pool pays out 80% if $100 or over AND less than $5000
Bonus Ace pays out $5000 maximum per Bonus Ace (calculated after 20% "roll over"). The remainder will "roll over" to the following week. This maximum is independent of the normal Ace payout which you will recieve.
Bonus pays outs $2500 max per week due to Venmo limits. If you win more than $2500, you will recieve the 1st $2500. Then there will be one week before you recieve your next payment of up to $2500.
IF multiple Bonus Ace's hit on the same day, the $5000 max is applied AFTER splitting the Bonus pool and applying the 20% "roll over".
Bonus Ace pool winnings paid via Venmo to the phone number you use to sign up with. Players also have the option of redeeming ace payout in Pro Shop credit.
Record players throw and once it leaves the players hand, have the camera focused on basket during ACE.
After ace - do not record celebration. Keep camera on basket and zoom or walk to basket to show video confirmation of disc resting in the basket.
If you are not sure if your phone will capture a good video - have 2 cameras filming just in case
Video must be sent to the TD for uploading. If you need some help - contact Brody
If the recording is very poor, the video COULD be rejected. PLEASE, have the camera operator ZOOM on the basket to confirm ACE. Do not record celebration until the disc is visible.
If the bonus ace is at night, the video COULD be rejected. Use a lit up disc - and then after it goes in, have the camera focused on the basket and walk up to show proof of ACE.
The TD will make the final call as to whether a video is accepted/rejected. Remember, the ace video may be rejected if there is a non-conclusive recording. SO MAKE SURE THE RECORDING WORKS AND SHOWS THE ACE